
Create Onsite Interventions Tasks from Sales Orders

By allowing your sales team to open onsite interventions tasks will create a seamless experience for your customers. It also allows them to first receive a quotation with the materials that will be used plus the service price to be approved before the work even starts.

Enable the feature

Go to Sales ‣ Products ‣ Create or edit an existing one. Select: under General Information ‣ Product Type: Service; under Sales ‣ Service Invoicing Policy: Timesheet on task ‣ Service Tracking: Create a task in an existing project ‣ Project ‣ Worksheet Template ‣ Save.

Onsite Interventions from Sales Order in Odoo Field Service

Now, once you have Confirmed a quotation, a task will be created in the respective project you have chosen.

Onsite Interventions from Sales Order in Odoo Field Service