

在所有通讯工具中,在线客服的满意度是最重要的。 它可以快速响应,并且易于访问和方便使用,因为您的客户在与您互动时可以继续做自己正在做的事情。 请记住:您的客户想与您联系,所以让我们使其变得简单。


在数据库上安装 在线客服 后,如果您的网站是使用Odoo创建的,该应用程序会自动添加到其中。 现在你只需前往 网站 ‣ 设置 ‣在线客服

View of the settings page and the live chat feature for Odoo Live Chat


View of a live chat channel form for Odoo Live Chat
- Operators: add agents to respond to the chat requests. Add as many as you like, and keep in mind that operators that do not show any activity in Odoo for more than 30min are considered disconnected.
- Options: set the default text to be shown on the live chat button; an automated welcome message to be seen by visitors when a conversation is initiated, and the text that prompts the user to initiate a chat.
- Channel Rules: choose an action for a given URL, and/or per country. In the example below, the chat window automatically pops-up 3 seconds after users (from any country) land on the contact us page.
View of a channel’s rules form for Odoo Live Chat


如果您的网站不是使用Odoo创建的,则可以在 Widget 标签下找到要添加到自己的代码中。
View of the widget tab for Odoo Live Chat


访客发起的对话会作为私聊信息直接弹出,并显示在 讨论 中。 因此,无论您在Odoo的任何地方都可以回答查询。

View of the discuss application with a message sent through live chat in Odoo


转到 :menuselection:[UNKNOWN NODE problematic]网站 –> 设置 –> 设定,在 在线客服 下访问您的频道选择 加入频道离开频道

View of a channel form and the option to join a channel for Odoo Live Chat