
关于 欧度智能 Odoo实例, 开源ERP.


odooAi 基础
odooAi Chat
odooAi Dev
ai_web odooAi欧度智能web基础
样式与组件,Web基础扩展. Odoo App of Sunpop.cn
ai_website 网站电商相关
样式与组件,Web基础扩展. Odoo App of Sunpop.cn
Chinese Fapiao, 中国发票管理
Fapiao manage in china, chinese.发票号码,发票代码管理。 Add fapiao number, fapiao code to invoice account move. Add fapiao required or not to sale order to do: fapiao manager.
Ai Center,Mass AIGC Generator.Ai Integrate ERP.全Ai服务管理中心
Odoo AI Center. Manage all Ai in odoo. Mass AIGC support. Ai Employee. Multi Ai aigc support with Chatgpt,Microsoft Cognitive, Azure ai, Azure openai, Ali Qwen Ai, Azure Ai, Baidu Ai,etc. Support chatgpt all version like 4 32k.
Ai Forum,Ai在线帮助
Odoo App of odooAi.cn,limit to 256 chart.
App Ai Media, Ai网站多媒体管理
Template for odoo developer. Use the template quick create app for odoo. Developer Guide. Sample manifest, .py, .xml of views and data. Sample report, action, menu, template. All file name follow odoo rule. Everything have comments.
Ai OCR. Paddle OCR.
Odoo module template. module sample with 170+ widget list. Clone this sample to your name to quick create your odoo addons. Developer reference guides, Developer Tutorials. Sample manifest, .py, .xml views and data. report, action, menu..
Ai SEO website builder, Improve search engine rank.Ai写手,AiSeo建站
Use Ai to SEO. Improve search engine rank like google, bing. Ai like ChatGPT help to auto seo job. Ai Editor,Ai Writer. Ai writer, editor, translator help to build content. Seo Product, blog, page for multi website in one click.
App Ai Wechat,Chatgpt与微信整合
Odoo App of odooAi.cn
Separate Customer Vendor / Supplier in Sale and Purchase
Show only Customer in sale, Show only vendor in purchase. Quick set and view and search customer, vendor supplier for partner. Done for related apps like Account, Crm. add sequence to partner tags, category
Address City Dynamic Select,国家省市区联动选择
Dynamic select city from list only in fix state. City, state, country manager. customer city, supplier city, vendor city, partner city.
Base Data Admin, odoo master data admin.主数据-基础数据管理
Well Organize the odoo master data data admin. base data management. Add access group for master data admin.
Base Website Data Admin all in one.电商主数据管理-基础数据管理
Well Organize the odoo master data data admin. base data management. Add access group for master data admin.
odoo中文版套件之基础,中国会计基础,Chinese Enhance All in One,
odoo简体中文版全面增强. Chinese enhance. Out of the box use odoo in china. Chinese address format, number format, money format. Set all chinese default value. Default country, timezone, currency, partner.中国会计基础模块.
China City, Chinese city divisions region, 中国行政区划地市数据
Dynamic select city from list only in fix state. City, state, country manager. customer city, supplier city, vendor city, partner city. Chinese city data.
Chinese Website,中国化网站基本模块增强
Chinese enhance. For website like icp. china website social link like qq, wechat, etc.. Set all chinese default value. Default country, timezone, currency, partner... Remove google font to boost website.
Direct Sql Execute, Table size view, dead lock kill.快速SQL查询操作
Direct run sql in odoo. select, insert, delete, update, all sql supported. Make data queries directly show. Query table size, Query table row, Query and kill dead lock etc. No need to use postgres.
ChatGPT IM App
Odoo App of odooai.cn
odooAi Common Util and Tools,欧度智能基础核心优化
Core for common use for odooai.cn apps. 基础核心,必须没有要被依赖字段及视图等,实现auto_install
App contacts by category company superbar
Browse contacts by company. Use for parent children tree list kanban navigator. ztree widget.Hierarchy Tree.Parent Children relation tree..
Contacts Customer Supplier Quick Search by superbar
Browse contacts by company. Use for parent children tree list kanban navigator. ztree widget.Hierarchy Tree.Parent Children relation tree.. Add date range search.
Delivery Provider Custom, for sale and Delivery
Set and show delivery price in stock picking, customize set delivery carrier. Auto purchase order to carrier. Auto calculate delivery price to override default.
Responsive Freeze List Tree View Header
To freeze list view's & tree view's header. enable in search more tree. Responsive for pc and mobile.. use in list and one2many list.
Help Desk Pro, add type and sequence
Set different sequence rule for every helpdesk ticket type. Unique ticket number. For odoo enterprise only.
IM LiveChat App
Odoo App of odooai.cn
app_mail odoo
Odoo App of odooAi.cn
Workflow State Mixin, Easy add Approve workflow to any app. 快速审批工作流Mixin,用于各模块
base approve workflow mixin. Mass approve or deny order or module. Easy add workflow using inherit mixin.
Mobile Mall odoo Shop Api. H5及小程序移动商城接口
Mobile Api for odoo website sale. 移动 App 的后台接口。 Mini program shop,小程序商城,h5商城 Odoo App of odooai.cn
WeChat APP Shop
App Module 2 Product, Saas Base
Import Module to Product, Saas Base. Odoo App of odooai.cn
1 Click odoo Upgrade Valuation Quotation. Get Module Value,Code Count,Data Size.一键odoo版本升级评估,数据应用模块估值
One click odoo Upgrade Valuation Quotation. Get odoo worth.odoo Valuation. Software Valuation. Get data size, Code line count, Code price of all your odoo apps.
odoo Tweak,Ai Employee,Boost,Customize All in One. Customize,UI,Boost,Security,Data
Ai as employee.1 click Tweak odoo. 48 Functions odoo enhancement. for Customize,UI,Boost Security,Development. Easy reset data, clear data, reset account chart, reset Demo data. For quick debug. Set brand,Language Switcher all in one.
App Partner User related,User Type
Add partner user related fields on partner and add them in partner view. partner relate user. partner is user. Add user filter for partner views. Auto delete related partner when user deleted.
Odoo Alipay Payment. 阿里支付
Odoo module template. module sample with 170+ widget list. Clone this sample to your name to quick create your odoo addons. Developer reference guides, Developer Tutorials. Sample manifest, .py, .xml views and data. report, action, menu..
Payment Cash on deliveried. 货到付款
Odoo App of odooai.cn
Payment for mobile Api. 移动端支付基础接口
Add mobile payment option and api. Add payment provider to sale order
Wechat Payment PC and Mobile. 微信支付本商户模式,一体化
Wechatpay, Wechat pay for my account. 微信支付本商户模式。 Website show QRCode, wechat scan and pay(扫码当面付Navtive), Mobile pay inside wechat(微信内直接支付jsapi), if you need miniprogramme or face payment of wechat payment. pls contact.
Product Auto Sku Code, Auto Barcode by Category, Variants Supported
Product Auto code. Auto sku code. Unique code, Product rule by category. Customize Sequence for category. like [raw-ipad-001],[raw-ipad-002]
Product Auto Value Auto Default by Category
Product quick Auto value. Auto default value by product Category. Product Category Unique code. Auto sku sale/purchase/stock/account attribute. Auto uom of product, Product default rule by category.
Product variant Quick Sale price.产品sku快速价格设置,产品spu全面增强
Product Service address, product Location. esp use for service product, ticket product, travel product
App product browse by category navigator
Browse Product by category tree. Use for parent children tree list kanban navigator. Easy to navigator and browse any data. Support list, kanban, pivot, graph view. ztree widget.Hierarchy Tree.Parent Children relation tree..
Product browse by category navigator Pro
Browse Product by category tree. Use for parent children tree list kanban navigator. Easy to navigator and browse any data. Support list, kanban, pivot, graph view. ztree widget.Hierarchy Tree.Parent Children relation tree..
Category Attribute, Flat attribute Variant Manage for product, Color Size Version PLM,产品多规格/颜色/尺寸管理,不同品类不同规格,odoo规格变体平面化PLM
Category Variant. Each category have own attributes. Flatten matrix the variant attributes of product, easy search sort filter group attribute. Color manager. Size manager. version manager. Attributes in SPU mapped as fields in SKU.
Purchase enhance, 采购增强
Add Qty sum and amount of purchase. Add Purchase Order Line view.
Purchase Order Vendor. 从供应商价格表中选择产品
Purchase Order Vendor. 从供应商价格表中选择产品
Sale Date Enhance, 销售单日期增强
Add Quotation date of sale. Change Date Show order in sale order. Show only data not datetime in list view.
Sale Order Mass Process, Confirm, Delivery, Picking, Invoice, Payment, Cancel,销售订单批量操作,1键快速工作流
Sale order mass operation. sale quotation mass operation. SO mass Confirm, mass set Delivery, mass Invoice, mass Payment, mass Cancel". SO multi operation.
Sale All in one enhance,Sale Team Access Rule.销售开箱用系列-团队权限,发货收款报告,预付款管理及凭证自动化
17 enhance of Sales. Team leader, team member view only my team order. Down payment manage. My team report, my team invoice. team payment. team transaction. Add sale team security. config to no sale confirm mail. sale delivery before days.
App sale order browse by partner and channel
Browse sale order by partner and sale channel. Use for parent children tree list kanban navigator. ztree widget.Hierarchy Tree.Parent Children relation tree..
Advance sale order navigator by partner and channel
Browse sale order by partner and sale channel. Use for parent children tree list kanban navigator. ztree widget.Hierarchy Tree.Parent Children relation tree..
Signup Email Verify,Verify code for mobile,邮箱真实性验证与验证码输入
Real Email verify for all sign up and login, and reset email workflow. Email Reset. Auto sent verify email. One click to verify email or input verify code. Easy for mobile UI. Easy reset user real email login.
Alipay SSO Login Oauth. Odoo Login Signup via Alipay taobao. Odoo支付宝淘宝登录
SSO Alipay Login and Alipay Signup. Alipay bind odoo account. Alipay oauth2 login. Use alipay taobao account to login. Easy get user information including nick, openid, avatar. Easy bind to odoo account with same email account.
Douyin SSO Login Oauth. Odoo Login Signup via Douyin.Odoo抖音整合登录注册
SSO Douyin Login and Douyin Signup. Douyin bind odoo account. Douyin oauth2 login. Use Douyin taobao account to login. Easy get user information including nick, openid, avatar. Easy bind to odoo account with same email account.
QQ SSO Login Oauth. Odoo Login Signup via QQ.Odoo腾讯QQ整合登录注册
SSO QQ wechat work Login and QQ Signup. QQ bind odoo account. QQ oauth2 login. Use QQ account to login. Easy get user information including nick, openid, avatar. Easy bind to odoo account with same email account.
SSO Wechat Mini Program Oauth,微信网站、公众号及h5专用小程序一键SSO登录
SSO for all social crm login. 1 account for all social media login all. Wechat and wechat corporation company login. 全媒体SSO,微信网站、微信公众号号登录。 better: pip install wechatpy[cryptography]
Wxwork SSO Login Oauth. Odoo Login Signup via Wxwork.Odoo企业微信整合登录注册
SSO Wxwork Login and Wxwork Signup. Wxwork bind odoo account. Wxwork oauth2 login. Use Wxwork account to login. Easy get user information including nick, openid, avatar. Easy bind to odoo account with same email account.
Uom Enhance.Units of measure Pro,计量单位增强
UoM sequence, display order. uom group by category. uom kanban of Units of measure. Add area type like square meter.Add cubic meter uom(under odoo 15 only).
Easy User Admin, User Role manager. 用户权限快速管理
Easy setup user role base on multi security groups. User role packed with access rule, Validity time period. Quick assign access right to every user.Mass setup user access right.
User Login Logout Audit
Log all user login. login success and login fail log. logout log. Log audit. User Audit. Login audit, Logout audit. Show User online status.
odoo Enterprise enhance Pack,企业版界面及操作增强
Ui Enhance pack of odoo Enterprise version 1. Add dropdown arrow to parent menu. 2. Replace the odoo logo to your company logo in main menu. 3. Alway show search in main menu. 4. Table and report UI enhance(Grid View).
Web Form Fullwidth, Full screen full width. Chatter Position
Chatter Position set and Form Responsive full screen, full width (fullwidth). Ready for small, medium, large, extra large screen.Ready for enterprise and communicate version. Easy config the chatter position to bottom or side or Responsive.
Multi add widget,Product batch add. 批量增加产品
Multi add products, bulk add products, mass add product in Sale Order, Purchase Order, Mrp order, BOM, Stock Picking or Account invoice. multi add partner. One click to quick add products.
Field Color, Field Length Limit,字段颜色/背景色/长度限制/按键可见Widget
Easy Config char length. max_readonly_length = char number. Easy set title no breadcrumb with context. Easy set field background color. Set button disabled.
Advance Search Sidebar, Header search, sidebar seo search. odoo高级搜索
odoo Seo Advance Search, Advance Filter for Date search. date range search. Datetime search. M2M, selection, boolean, number search. Quick search in header. Support list, kanban, pivot, graph, search more view. ztree widget.Hierarchy Tree
Advance Search sidebar for every odoo App
odoo Advance Search, Advance Filter for list search, kanban search. search bar.datetime search, date range search. number search. instant and lazy mode. . Easy to navigator and browse any data. ztree superbar.
List Multi Action button, Easy multi operate, list button
Easy Add customize button on list view, tree view. Easy multi record operation in one click. List button, Tree button. Easy customize for every odoo app.
Many2one configurable. m2o setup. Easy config m2o
Odoo App of odooai.cn
Translator All Odoo, Ai translate with Bing, Google, ChatGPT Translate
Easy Translator All Odoo field, one click odoo translate. field char translator, field text translator, field html translator. with Bing, Google, ChatGPT Translate, or any other ai. PO file translate for all language.
Web Windows
Odoo module template. module sample with 170+ widget list. Clone this sample to your name to quick create your odoo addons. Developer reference guides, Developer Tutorials. Sample manifest, .py, .xml views and data. report, action, menu..
Website Blogs Editor in Backend
Odoo App of odooai.cn
Website Blogs Search Enhance
Odoo App of odooai.cn
Multi Product Publish / Unpublish,电商批量产品上下架
Multi Product Publish and Unpublish on website, mass publish Odoo App of odooai.cn
App Website Product browse by category navigator
Browse Product by website category tree. Use for parent children tree list kanban navigator. Easy to navigator and browse any data. Support list, kanban, pivot, graph view. ztree widget.Hierarchy Tree.Parent Children relation tree..
Website QR Code. 网站二维码
Support to generate QR code for website sharing link
Digital marketplace,Quick attachment download
Website Product Editor in Backend
Odoo App of odooai.cn
SEO for Website,Bing SEO IndexNow.Baidu SEO.百度必应中国搜索引擎SEO优化
Bing SEO. Baidu SEO. Indexnow SEO. SEO Website, Seo product, category for website sale.url rewrite, meta keywords, meta title setup, for search engine optimize. Visual visitor view setup. Auto Push website update to Bing or Baidu.
Website sitemap SEO. Multi website sitemap.Boost seo rank.网站地图SEO优化
SEO sitemap make spider know your website. Easy configure PRIORITY and FREQUENCY parameters in Sitemap. Sitemap for multi website. multi language sitemap. Sitemap split page, easy exclude url.
Website Snippet,Easy set element css,网站元素样式全面自定义
Set Snippets base css like margin and padding, Animation Snippet. Custom Color, Set Different Hover At Snippet, Custom Border In Snippet, snippets all settings in Odoo
China State Global, 中国省份全球化外贸专用
chinese state and city for global business. use for export and import trade. change all chinese state and city in english. auto translate to chinese. chinese international.
Login with multi social account,多平台登录绑定
Core app for multi social account login. one user account bind to lot of 3rd website login. eg, odoo login, facebook login, twitter login. and extra like wechat login, dingtalk login,
结算 & 支付
Ali Ai for odoo ai center, 阿里通义千问Ai支持
Ali Ai for Odoo AI Center. Ai Aigc Center including Google Bard Ai, Azure Ai, Aliyun Ai, Baidu Ai. Support chatgpt 4 image. DALLE, Integration All ChatGpt Api and Azure OpenAI Service. Easy Chat channel with several ChatGPT Robots and train.
Baidu Qianfan Ai for odoo ai center, 百度千帆文心一言Ai支持
Baidu Qianfan Ai for Odoo AI Center. Ai Aigc Center including Google Bard Ai, Azure Ai, Aliyun Ai, Baidu Ai. Support chatgpt 4 image. DALLE, Integration All ChatGpt Api and Azure OpenAI Service. Easy Chat channel with several ChatGPT Robots and train.
Google Bard Ai for odoo ai center, 谷歌Ai支持
Google Bard Ai for Odoo AI Center. Ai Aigc Center including Google Bard Ai, Azure Ai, Baidu Ai. Support chatgpt 4 image. DALLE, Integration All ChatGpt Api and Azure OpenAI Service. Easy Chat channel with several ChatGPT Robots and train.
Easy Admin navigator, quick search filter
menu admin, fields admin, action admin, views easy admin and search, quick admin navigator by all kind of category. Use for parent children tree list kanban navigator. ztree widget.Hierarchy Tree.Parent Children relation tree..
ChatGPT4, China Ali,AiGC Center.Ai服务中心,聚合全网Ai
ChatGpt Odoo AI Center. Multi Ai aigc support with Ali Qwen Ai, Azure Ai, Baidu Ai,etc.. Support chatgpt 4 32k, Integration All ChatGpt Api and Azure OpenAI. Easy Chat channel with several ChatGPT Robots and train.
Many2One Hierarchy Parent Child M2o Selector,Hierarchy Chart Selector. zTree/zChart 树状下拉选择器
Hierarchy Selector and chart. show parent tree, parent children node in m2o select field. Use for parent children tree list select navigator. ztree widget. zchart widget.
Ajax websale Cart, price promotion coupon on website sale
Ajax add to cart. add price promotion, show coupon in product page. Add customer receive status for website order. Allow or Disable visitor order. Website sale ajax cart. website auto shutdown.
2023最新中国会计科目表.企业标准会计.Latest Chinese Accounting for odoo16
Multi level account chart. Chinese enhance. Focus on account chart. Add account chart group data. Account group, Chinese tax. Set chinese account report.
User Doc, Developer Doc of Odoo. My odoo document. odoo用户手册,开发手册大全
User Documentation and Developer documentation of odoo. 1 Click to access help of current topic. Add odoo doc local. Documentation with your company name and logo. Mrp doc, Sale doc, purchase doc, stock doc, account doc all in one.
DMS multi Sale Shop, multi o2o shop. Distribution Shop
DMS multi Sale Shop, multi o2o shop. Distribution Shop. Shop warehouse, shop product. shop sale order manage.
Sequence by month, day, year Auto Reset.日期序号器定期重置流水号
Auto Sequence Customize the sequence interval, sequence reset by day, reset by month, reset by year. multi language support. sequence year, sequence month, sequence day. year sequence, month sequence, day sequence.
List Range Selection,Group select,列表快速多选,分组全选
Enables selecting a range of records using the shift key. select range. multi select in list and one2many list tree. Review by odooai.cn. base on oca.
Website Enhance, Footer Navbar, Mobile Menu
Add mobile menu. Footer fixed mobile navbar.
Signup With Terms & Conditions
This module can config to force new user or login user to accept signup terms & conditions. Provide a api for 3rd app to call.
Category Snippets
Category Snippets, Category Slider Snippet Module, Stylish Category Snippets, Categories Blocks App, Category Snipet Application, Category Box, Category Content Box, Featured Snippet, Alternative Category Snnipet, Multiple Category Snippets Odoo
App WeChat Sync
Dashboard with AI
Beautiful Analytic Dashboard by IZI. You can create a Sales Dashboard, Inventory Dashboard, Finance Dashboard, or Others dynamically with this module. You can explore data with AI too!
聊天, 邮件网关和私有频道


China State Global, 中国省份全球化外贸专用
chinese state and city for global business. use for export and import trade. change all chinese state and city in english. auto translate to chinese. chinese international.
2023最新中国会计科目表.企业标准会计.Latest Chinese Accounting for odoo16
Multi level account chart. Chinese enhance. Focus on account chart. Add account chart group data. Account group, Chinese tax. Set chinese account report.
Multi Language Chart of Accounts